Having trouble getting the Chameleon to control the paired device, an iPhone. Tried before and after a software update was completed. We’ve tried with Voice Over on and off. Checked in Settings and confirmed, Wifi ON, Selected the SSDI for the iPhone. Signal strength - excellent. Then, followed the steps in the module for Terminal Mode. When we get to the step where the refreshable display says :“braille display”, the only thing we can do is exit to home. It won’t scroll, or pan, or select/enter.
Any suggestions? Operator head space error? Device software compatibility issue?
I would be curious to know if it works with a different device. Have you tried a different iPhone or iPad? VoiceOver does need to be running. Did you go through accessibility settings on the iPhone to make sure it was connected there?
I had the same issue with mine. I became frustrated and left it alone and all of a sudden… it started working! Maybe give it a few minutes to read “braille display” and then see if it works. You do have to have Voice Over on for it to work. I hope this helps!
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Thanks. I had the same experience. It didn’t work when following the steps in the training module and the next time I turned on the hot stop and tried to connect to Wi-Fi it connected automatically. I still don’t know how to enter a Wi-Fi password that has numbers, not just letters.
Thanks again,
I did. It didn’t work when following the steps in the training module, with any device, but the next time I turned on the hot stop and tried to connect to Wi-Fi it connected automatically. I still don’t know how to enter a Wi-Fi password that has numbers, not just letters. I believe you said to use computer braille and a user told me to use the th sign in computer braille instead of a number sign with Nemeth numbers. Do you also need to use letter signs when a letter follows a number in the password when since there is no spaces? I believe I tried switching the device to computer braille too, did I need to?
strange! Yes, changing to computer braille should help.
Here are some computer braille tips
• All text is uncontracted (grade 1) braille
• No number signs are used
• All numbers are dropped (“Nemeth-style,” typed in the lower part of the braille cell)
• Add dot 7 (Backspace key) to a letter to capitalize it
• The cursor in computer braille fields is dot 8 rather than dots 78
“At” sign @ dots 74
Period or dot . dots 46
Colon : dots 156
Semicolon ; dots 56
Hyphen dash - dots 36
Underscore _ dots 456
Plus + dots 346
Exclamation ! dots 2346
Number/pound # dots 3456
Dollar $ dots 1246
Percent % dots 146
Ampersand & dots 12346
Asterisk/star * dots 16
Forward slash / dots 34
Backslash \ dots12567
Caret ^ dots 457
Tilde ~ dots 45
Grave accent ` dot 4
Equals = dots 123456
Question ? dots 1456
Left parenthesis ( 12356
Right parenthesis ) dots 23456
Left bracket [ 2467
Right bracket ] dots 124567
Left brace { dots 246
Right brace } dots 12456
Less than < dots 126
Greater than > dots 345
Quote “ dot 5
Vertical bar | dots 1256