Monarch Display automatically changes too quickly

In the last couple of days and today my Monarch display changes in a manner of seconds on its own. Even the Settings display changes before I can make a change. I do not know what has happened. I could not do a lesson with a student because the display changed too quickly for me and my student.

Hey Miriam,
I’d suggest a full shut down for starters, not just a power off to sleep. If you connect the device to a visual display is there any noticeable change to that display when the Monarch display changes? I’d be happy to set up a time to troubleshoot with you if we can’t get this worked out.

I would appreciate you working with me. I have not done a full shut down before with the Monarch. Meantime I will try it with a visual display. Also, my TGIL crashed the last I checked. Will tomorrow work after 1:00?

Yes, reach to me via email and I’ll set something up for us.