Flight Deck (Questions?)

I am having issues with this also. What format was your original worksheet in? Have you hadanymore luck wih this? The discussion bord is a bit time consuming to wade through, so there may be more about this in here, but when I saw your post, I thought it was so close to my question, I’m going to chase it down here, hopefully.

We are having trouble with the word processor recognizing the dollar and cent symbols when typing in the math editor. We use Nemeth code if this makes a difference.

Does that district require you to connect using a website first? Many districts require you to connect to WIFI, open a web browser and type in a student / employee ID / password. If so you can use the Lightning browser from the all applications menu, to do this for the time being. This process will be much smoother in September when we have a real web browser.

Not yet. We are working with the screen readers to make this possible but they have to support multi-line capable displays, which up to now has not been available.

Thank you for letting us know. This has been reproduced and is an error in the Braille Translator table we’re using. Cents is not working in the graphing calculator app we also found out.

I just had this same problem. I was using two different pdfs from the geometry teacher and they both opened up and said Index. They are both multi-page documents; does this have something to do with it?

Mine was a multi-page document as well. It just surprised us as it opened fine the first time. Can someone at APH chime in here? Thanks.

In these cases, press enter with O to go to the next page of the multi-page PDF, and enter with dots 2-4-6 to go to the previous page of a multipage PDF. This should be cleaner in the next update.

Hi all,

My Monarch updated last night. I see changes.

At the training I was unable to download books. They thought this may be corrected with the update. I still am unable to download books from Bookshare. any suggestions? When I click to download a message quickly appears and disappears. On the braille display it says please wait until download is complete but the book never shows up in my library. I also checked my downloads folder.

Thanks for the help.

Hi Lia,
Are you logged in to Bookshare under a student or teacher account? Teachers can log-in but they are not able to download anything except open-source books. If you log in under a student, you should then be able to download a book for that particular student. My fingers are crossed that this helps you. :slight_smile: Have a wonderful day.

My student does not have an individual account. She uses the school account for her district. Am I understanding correctly that she will need an individual personal account?

Thank you for your help Stephanie!

I do believe they need their own student account to download books. This is typically how Bookshare tells us it happens on their website as well. Student individual accounts are free and available.

Thank you Greg and Stephanie.

I work in an economically disadvantaged area and it can be quite difficult to get parents to sign up for anything. They do not consistently have email or cell phones or addresses. This is why the school bookshare account is where I get most of my books. I will see how I can work around this to get my students signed up. Thanks again for the help.

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The work around, while you are figuring this out, is to download the book onto a USB and transfer it to the device. I know it is extra steps, but it would get your students reading while you figure out the account issue. If you need to troubleshoot further, please let me know. We are here to help. Stephanie

With the current wifi they have it set up on, it only requires me to enter a password. I’ve tried entering it and it says “unable to connect” every time.

Does the Monarch run on a certain frequency (2.4 vs. 5)?

The district should be able to add your student’s name to the list and create an individual login for her. Then the district needs to add whatever books she wants to her reading list. It can be confusing when a student has an individual account and is added to a school’s account. Whoever is in charge of the district account should be able to walk you through this.

Hi Autumn

The Monarch can connect to both WIFI frequencies, 2.4 and 5 GHZ.

I’ve only seen this a couple times when it simply won’t connect. I resolved it by factory resetting the Monarch completely. Note this will erase all your personal files. We do keep many of the graphics as part of the image so they will repopulate after the factory reset. To do this factory reset:

  • Open your quick settings with enter + Q
  • Navigate down to system and press enter
  • Navigate down to erase all data factory reset and press enter.
  • Confirm and the device will shut down
  • Turn it back on and it will startup and you can hopefully connect to WIFI

I hope this helps.


I have a couple of questions here:

  1. I used braille29 font for my text in the graphic with the size set to 29, but not all letters show up well. Is it normal to have different font sizes of braile in a file to make it show up? Or do you correct for this a different way?
  2. Is it common when loading a graphic (again, the one I am making) and panning that a braille word will look fine but once I pan left/right, parts of the dots are missing? Example: I used RW and it looked right until I panned, and then it looked like R. (missing dot four) or RJ (missing dot six). I hope that made sense… Is there a way to correct for this? It doesn’t seem to happen on PDFs in the TGIL.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I think I can make this work!

Twice now, after not using the Monarch for a span of time (maybe a week), it has refused to turn back on. I posted earlier when this first happened. Eventually it started up after the first incident, so I am very much hoping that this will be the case again. Fingers crossed. Basically, when I plug it in (yes, with the designated charger and into a wall outlet), it makes a frightening short buzzing sound and then goes to a fast, red blink. Holding the power button for 20 seconds for a hard reset does not seem to do anything. As someone else has mentioned, searching through this discussion board for similar problems is difficult. Has anyone else had this issue or is it my Monarch? Is there a solution other than finger crossing and multiple restartings and leaving it plugged in for days?