Is there software that automatically converts print notation (sheet music) into braille?
Hi Diane!
Goodfeel is a software program that converts computer files of print scores to music braille. You do have to input or scan/edit the print music into a separate software program like Finale or Sibelius or some other program that uses MusicXML notation. Goodfeel comes with Lime 9.16 which can serve as a print music input program and is fully accessible for braille readers to create their own musical scores.
Goodfeel is great for transcribing scores that you have scanned or played and saved as a musicXML file. If you do not have a copy of it, there is a website that you can use to convert musicXML files for free. You will have to play with it some to get it to do exactly what you want, but it is not bad.
Go to Braille translation system BrailleMUSE and upload your musicxml score. Then, set your options for the output such as paper size, lyrics, pedaling, etc. You can even save the output file to edit in a program such as DBT. I have not tried the output on the Monarch but may with my piano student.