Braille 2000 User Group September 2023

Please use this space to share your questions, tips, and tricks related to speed braille keys and shortcuts!

Here’s my speedbraille keys:


Thank you Very much!

I’ve uploaded a file containing the above speedbraille to my website,, where you can download it to use my speedbraille keys. (I would just put it here, but .B2K files are not allowed)

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I mistyped my email in the chat! If anyone has speedbraille to share, email me the file at, and I will add it to my website!

Is there a way I can tell Braille2000 to start run over in cell 34 instead of waiting until cell 40, the end of the page, to runover to the next line? I need six cells blank on every line on the right side and don’t want to have to hit enter on every line to make the margin. I need the blank cells on the right to add the line numbers for a poem.

I found in the help menu there is an automatic line number mode for poetry that I’ve been using!