Frequently Asked Questions about the Hive Summer Cohort

A place to find answers for common questions!

Are other type of credits available, I don’t need ACVERP?

Continuing Education Units for the renewal of a state’s educator certificate are awarded following individual state’s guidelines. Each state has different guidelines, but many certifying offices accept Hive course certificates in place of Continuing Education Units.

Participants should verify that a local school district/organization is willing to accept the certificate for the course completed. If approved, each course offers a certificate of completion detailing the total number of professional learning hours, which can be submitted to local certifying offices in lieu of CEUs.

To be eligible for a Certificate of Completion you must:

  • Watch the course videos, which include Check Your Understanding questions

  • Pass the Assessment

  • Submit a Follow-up Activity for approval

  • Complete a satisfaction survey

Here is a brief blog post about CEUs and the APH Hive:

How will I access the reading materials for the Cohort?

Accessible reading materials will be sent to participants who have enrolled in the Cohort. There is no need to purchase access.


I have a vacation planned during one week of the Cohort. Will I be able to make up the week?

Yes! The Cohort is asynchronous, which allows you the flexibility to work ahead or catch up as needed to fit your schedule. Since discussion board posts are an integral part of the Cohort, we recommend that you don’t get too far ahead or behind. Don’t forget to submit your weekly check-in forms that correspond to the week you are completing!

Weekly Check-in forms for enrolled cohort participants


I see the first reading assignment has come across the site. How do we access this material? Thank you.

@rwright We will be sending via email to all cohort participants accessible files for each reading citation. Be on the lookout for more information!

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Hello. How do I access the One Drive that our weekly readings will be housed on? When I click on the One Drive link that was emailed to us, it asks for my APH sign in. When I try to sign into the One Drive with my APH user information, it will not let me sign in. How do I sign in to One Drive to access the weekly reading assignments? I am blind,and I use VoiceOver on my iPad to access the course. I just want to make sure that I can easily access everything prior to next week. Any information that can be provided would be much appreciated. Thanks so much.


I am also unable to sign into the OneDrive link that we received this morning.
Thanks for any help with this.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. APH IT has been working to resolve the issue. Please try to access the link one last time. If you experience difficulty, please send us a screenshot of any message received to

Good Morning, My work email does not allow me to access one drive. Is it possible to use another email address to gain access to the documents?

I was able to get the memorandum, but I am not finding the link I need to get to the readings.

I also have this problem and just tried again and I still cannot access the materials. Is there another way we can access it?

Hello. I tried again to sign into the One Drive link with my APH information,and I received another error message saying that I was unable to do so. The error message that I received when trying to log in was that my email was incorrect. I took a screenshot of the message and emailed it to I also wanted to post this here in case other people were having difficulty as well. Thanks so much.

I still cannot access it. I had a conversation with our tech people, and am told that the issue is not on my end.

When answering the weekly questions, do we need to answer all questions that were given, or can we just answer one question with an in depth response that shows our understanding and reflection of what is being asked? Thanks.

I’m having the same issue.

Hello! You will pick one question to answer. Additionally, you will make two responses to other cohort member’s posts.

Long version below:

Instructions: Participants are expected to respond to one of the questions posted in a manner that reflects an appropriate level of analysis and engagement in the discussion; applying the knowledge and insights from the readings to practical applications; drawing conclusions based on the content, raising new questions, presenting a counter argument, etc. Each response should include the question number, be stated in complete sentences, and apply the knowledge from the readings and sessions to practical applications.

In addition, each participant is expected to comment on at least two participants’ responses. The responses should be reflective and thoughtful, not simple short answers like “I agree” or “Me too.” A thoughtful response integrates readings, may provide examples, add new information, or present a counter argument.

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Hi, How do we access the article listed? There are no links. I have watched the module but can’t access the articles for the module.

Were you ever able to access the readings for Setting the Stage? There is not a link that I can find to access the article.


There are still some of us who did not get that email.

Could you update the group about when we can expect it?

