Flight Deck (Questions?)

It would be great to have ways to screen mirror with apps such as Microsoft teams, zoom, etc., It would also be amazing to download Microsoft apps and apps such as Canvas, Blackboard, etc. as my districts have all of their assignments and projects on district databases and Microsoft products. Is this something that will be coming in the future? If it hasn’t been considered yet, I think these would be great features to look in to!


After the training, here are the 3 major items that jumped out at me as being high-priority:

  • We need to be able to access files through cloud-based sharing services - Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. All of the students on my caseload utilize a cloud-based service on a daily basis to exchange materials with classroom teachers and to access curriculum. Without this functionality, the Monarch simply wouldn’t be functional to use in the classroom on a daily basis for my students.

  • The multi-line display is super exciting for math and science, especially, as it would allow students to complete work digitally while being able to see more than one line at a time for the first time, ever. PLEASE make it possible to insert multiple lines of mathematics in Nemeth Code into a Word Processor document as soon as possible - this would be revolutionary and would really make the Monarch stand out in the field. I’m not a huge fan of KeyMath, but I could let that go if this capability existed!! :slight_smile:

  • It would be lovely if we could use the Monarch as a refreshable braille display paired to another device (e.g., a laptop running JAWS/NVDA) - bring us terminal mode!


I am interested in this answer. I uploaded a worksheet with equations created in “equation editor” and they all came through well. I do wish, however, that the “going in and out of Nemeth” indicators could actually BE the standard braille that indicates this: dots 4-5-6 and 1-4-6 for beginning Nemeth and 4-5-6 and 1-5-6 for leaving.


I echo all of these items and would also add Email to the high priority wish list!


When I put in my flashdrive/USB it is not recognizing it under file manager. Should I look somewhere else? Any tips? I am attempting to open a doc and a txt file. Any tips? Thanks Susan

Thank you so much! I agree cloud based access is essential and I would like to add all G Suite like Google Classroom, Gmail, Google Slides all things Google. I work for two large districts one G Suite and the other Microsoft so add TEams, Outlook, Calendar, One Drive, Powerpoint, OneNote etc. Also Canvas, Study Sync and Clever. It is the age of integration and our VI students rely on these capabilities and it would be so great to have them all accessible on one device like the Monarch like most are on the Braillenote Touch Plus.


Hi All. Does anyone know how to save a pdf image to the Monarch from an external (thumb) drive? I created a star image for my student and can open it from the thumb drive, but can’t seem to save it to the Monarch. (Although I was previously able to save a document.)

Good Morning - Have you tried using the back triangle button on the front of your device to move up a level in the file manager?

Good Morning - Try using enter with V to see the preview. The math does not show correctly on the visual display until you preview. The ? are the indicator showing it is math.

Good Morning - Transferring files is still very glitchy. One participant was able to get her file to transfer but her Monarch froze several times while she was doing it. I guess it was just perseverance :slight_smile:

Update: I was able to move the pdf image from the external drive to the Monarch using the Copy (backspace y). It worked great!!

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I did, and then I used a different flash drive. It worked with the second flash drive, but the second flash drive had some issues too. It kept saying flash drive was removed. as we were working. I noticed that the cover is very close to the flash drive insert spot. Could this be adjusted in future covers? I pulled it back to make more room to try eliminate any pressure it was putting on the flash drive.

This is correct. If you are presenting refrain from posting online, and share the experiences with us.

These are all wonderful points that are at some stage of development for the final release of the Monarch, or an update after the initial launch. Thank you for expressing the needs, it’s great to hear these action items coming from the field as it helps to reinforce our development priorities and decisions.

When using Scrpy connected to a PC, you can can share the screen and the direct image of the Monarch is available to use over Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Microsoft Apps directly on the device are not in the immediate future, although we hope that Windows will eventually support a multiline terminal mode.

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Well done!

I bought the same screen the monitor that Jeff loaned during the Monarch training in Baltimore. When using it with students and staff today, a delighted student did something that changed the presentation on the screen from print to mirroring the braille on the Monarch instead of the print view. I do not know how to get back to the mode I was in originally. By the way, the monitor is the KYY Portable Monitor that is the 15.6. As a follow up I was able to have the monitor return to default access of providing print as opposed to braille. I will continue to pay attention to this as I believe access to print via the screen is going to play a critical role for many general teachers across genres AND access for educators with low vision/visual impairment. I will also follow up with directions to adjust font sizes on screen. We found this to be essential during the Monarch training her in Baltimore that included at least three of us with “low vision.”

When I connected the computer for the visual output, there is a braille display over the print on the computer screen. Anyone know how to remove that and will print show up on the screen or just braille?

Also, when saving to USB, could someone share how to save a document to usb not on actual monarch device?


Hi. Are you in the Word Processor or the Braille Editor. Braille Editor only shows Simbraille on the monitor. To save a document on a USB drive from the Word Processor, use the Save As (backspace S). When you are on the screen to put the name in, use the D chord to change the drive to USB. Put in your document name, move to the Save button and hit enter.
Just a note, tactile images are saved to a different drive using the Copy (backspace Y) in file manager. Hope this works for you.

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Good Morning - I am glad that you figured out how to fix your view. The Monarch has a setting called Visual Braille that will toggle your view from print to SimBraille. Here are the instructions on how to toggle that setting:
Braille Overlay for Visual Display

  • Press Space with O to get into the options menu
  • Move down to Miscellaneous Settings and press Enter
  • Check the box for “Visual Braille Output”

There is currently not a shortcut to toggle this setting.

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