What supports can we provide learners to facilitate the development of effective tactile literacy skills?
opportunities to explore and time to process and compare
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hands-on experiences to build background knowledge
Opportunities to compare real objects with tactile graphics
opportunities to explore and time to process and understand what they are experiencing
Creating a full picture of not only what they are feeling, as a graphic, but how it connects to the world.
By giving them opportunities to explore new things by touch, taste, and smell!
Give real world examples and then move to more tactile graphics. At first make graphics simple with bold differences. Then can move to adding more pieces.
Using real objects and hands on experiences with parents/caregivers.
opportunity to touch
opportunity to be exposed to objects at close distances so can explore with touch
opportunities which are highly motivational to learner
Opportunities to explore graphics. Early on, we should use 3-d or real objects and then teach how to compare to 2-d graphics.
Need tactile discrimination to start!
Background knowledge. Opportunities to explore multiple versions of an tactile graphic to generalize. Engage all senses to enhance the experience.
Encouraging students to ask questions and describe their experiences - wait time when they explore and encounter tactile information
hands-on opportunities; various objects of different sizes, shapes and textures; verbal descriptions of what the child is holding, touching, exploring
Bring the world to them
Opportunity to explore, touch and understand what different objects are and how they are used.
Make exploratory opportunities that can be generalized across multiple environments and are meaningful to the student, bring tactile graphics in purposefully and help the student to create the connection but then support them while they learn to engage.
make it fun!