Webinar 1: Discussion and Questions

Building an Early Tactile Foundation for Graphics Understanding: Please post your questions and comments here!

How can you help a student take in all the information? My beginning learner I have sweep the page with their hand to just see how large the image is. Then we talk about Salient features. However, when it comes to an actual bar graph, I’m not sure how to help them process the information.


I use the aph tactile graph paper. I also cut out the “bar” and put them next to one another on a tray for comparison.

I am now using the Braille Legos. APH Hive has a TON of great lessons on how to use this.


Watching the faces of my students as they get the opportunity to explore new things js one of joys of the job!

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Braille Literacy: A Functional Approach is not available with Federal Quota funds. :frowning:

Is it here where I am supposed to be? I’m in the webinar at the moment.

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I can’t find where I’m supposed to be either.

This is the general chat. If you want to participate in the activity go here: Webinar 1: Tactile Literacy

We welcome your comments regardless of location! Watch the Webinar Chat in Zoom for direct links to the questions and conversations.

Thank you for joining us for the webinar! If you have any questions from today’s training, feel free to post here.
We will continue the conversation in the upcoming webinar series. Register for the next event at the following link: Teaching Touch and Exploratory Skills to Prepare for Tactile Graphics Learning | American Printing House

I like the idea of cutting it out.