Good Afternoon! I am a teacher for visually impaired in Calhoun Ga and just attended the VI Consortia. I had looked at the hive a while back, but forgot all about it and I’m so glad I was reminded of it because it looks like there are great resources here!
I’m always looking for folks to collaborate with as well, so let me know if you are from GA!
Hi Dawn,
Welcome to the SE Region Discussion Board. I’m excited to learn how you use the HIVE in your future work! Remember if you have questions about other topics, you can always post your inquiries here! Thank you for leading GA with building a PLC in the HIVE.
Greetings Alicia,
My name is Tenae Walton and I am a TSVI in Cherokee County, GA. I attended the GA Vision Consortia today. What is the name of the course and how do I access the course you mentioned to learn Braille? I did not get a chance to write the name of the course down.
Hey, I am Jamie Lewis from Vidalia, GA. I attended the GA Vision Consortia. I am new this year with A LOT of questions so I am looking forward on collaborating with everyone to help my students succeed!
Hi, APH Hivers! This is Janet Cloaninger, COMS and TSVI in Fulton County Schools. The Georgia TSVI consortium meeting was full of great information and resources. I was thrilled to learn from Alicia Wolfe about the Practice2Master Abacus app. I think the abacus is a vital, relevant resource for teaching math to our students and I’m happy to know that its use in teaching the ECC is still supported.
Hi Tenae,
You did it! So glad you were able to navigate to the GA Discussion Board. Welcome! The self-paced online braille tutorial that provides self-graded practice and assessments using 6-key entry in the foundations of UEB is called Braille Brain. The link to access this free resource is . There are also activities for Nemeth and UEB Advanced is coming soon. I hope you enjoy the resource. Alicia
Hi Tara,
Welcome to the GA PLC! I am glad to know you enjoyed learning about the resources I shared. I look forward to hearing more about GVEST! Alicia
Hi Janet! Welcome to the GA Discussion Board! Thank you for your post and support to help me “bring the abacus back”. Not only is the App a great tool for TVI’s but I’ve taught parents how to use it as well. They appreciate being able to have a tool to support their children’s growth in learning math skills. Let us know if you use it and please share any creative ideas you have for the App in your work as a COMS. Alicia
Hi Jamie! Welcome to this growing Professional Learning Community. Bring your questions to us! We are here to support you in your endeavors to meet your student’s needs and at the same time, I am positive we will learn from you too! With appreciation, Alicia
Welcome bsmith! More courses will be added to the HIVE this year so keep checking back. Don’t forget, if you can’t find what you are looking for in the HIVE, there are countless Access Academy (AA) Webinars available for you to also check out. Our most recent series on Tactile Graphicacy can be accessed on the AA website under recent webinars. Alicia
Hi Gremington! Welcome to the HIVE Discussion Board with your GA colleagues! I am so glad you were already aware of the HIVE and found the resources I shared helpful. What is your favorite HIVE Course? Do you or any of your colleagues have suggestions for future courses? Alicia
Good morning. I am currently teaching at the Georgia Academy for the Blind in Macon. I finished the APH Braille Literacy Cohort in August. I would like to get more resources and strategies for teaching students with cognitive issues, as well as developmental and intellectual delays. I would love to connect with someone that could mentor me on these topics. I can be reached at if you’d like to reach me directly. Thank you in advance.