Webinar 1: Tools for Caregivers

How can you support parents and other family members in being active participants in the development of a learner’s tactile literacy skills?

Being a source of resources to support the students and family

Keep them up on what is going on in the classroom and give common language!

follow the basic tennants of early intervention! Teach the parents the skills, don’t just show them. The family is just as important as any member of the team and any chance for support at home is critical!

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Keep lines of communication open and provide time to demonstrate how to apply the skills with their child

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when reading stories, have the concrete items from the story for the child to hold

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If possible making home visits to help model or show families how to integrate tactile information during daily routines.

Share ideas for activities and learner successes with parents and other family members as often as possible

Educating parents about how students learn through touch and give them some ideas for teaching tactile skills at home

By providing them with resources such as Family Connect and Paths to Literacy as well as all of the products from APH.

I am unable to teach anything in my work without my partners and experts the parents as I work in early intervention and the magic happens when I am not there!!

keep them up to date on what you are working on in the classroom; using common language at home and school; being a resource for the family

Help them make experience books for family activities that they do often. Model scripting an activity. Ask what is important to them as a family, and if they need any materials to help make some tactile objects/books!

Encourage them and show them how fun activities are that can easily be implemented during their daily life, but that can make such a difference in their learning experiences.

Helping them find ways to make tactile graphics in their home that represent every day items to increase independence in the home.

Sharing a to-do activity list for at home activities to support their exploration.

Having them meet and gather other parents with similar learning curves. Watching and hearing it in action can only help make connections. Building a comunity.

I like to share videos of their children participating in active learning experiences at school. This gives parents and family an accessible and quick way to understand the child’s foundational skills and how/when/where to support the child.


My mother was told to strap me to her and talk to me about everything.

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To involve parents and family members in a learner’s tactile literacy development, provide educational resources, workshops, and guidance on how to integrate tactile learning into daily routines. Encourage active engagement through regular communication, setting goals, and sharing progress to foster a supportive environment at home.