Multi-sensory Adventures Using Finger Walks: General Discussion

Enroll in the Hive course

Course Description: Tactile exploration comes alive as a recreational activity using Finger Walks! Enroll in this course and learn how finger labyrinths offer not only creative recreational opportunities, but can also easily be embedded within core curriculum and other Expanded Core Curriculum activities. Help students discover the low risk and high reward of walking labyrinths.

ACVREP Credit Hours: 1.5


  • Identify five benefits of walking labyrinths.
  • Identify a timeline history of labyrinths.
  • Examine how finger labyrinths are an accessible avenue for participation in labyrinth experiences.
  • List at least five multi-sensory activities to practice finger labyrinth exercises.
  • Identify at least four ways to adapt a finger labyrinth exercise for students with multiple impairments.
  • Draw one basic finger labyrinth pattern.