Lesson Chelsea Hale

This is my lesson that is required as one of the 6 discussion posts. I as not sure where to post it, so hopefully it gets to the correct Monarch trainer.

Chelsea Hale

January Monarch Training

Discussion Board Lesson

Topic: Accessing APH Tactile Diagrams

Background Knowledge:

Prior to this lesson, the student should know the layout of the Monarch. They should be able to access the power button and have an understanding of where all of the keys are located and their purposes. They may need to understand the steps to connect to the internet, but their instructor could also hook it up for them. They should also have a good understanding of how to scan with their tactile sense to access information on tactile diagrams. A sample diagram should be shown so they have a basic understanding.

Activation of Prior Knowledge:

  • Ask the student how to turn the device on.
  • Ask the student to identify all of the keys including the Braille keys, zooming and panning.
  • Ask the student to review how to scan a diagram with their tactile sense. A paper diagram can be used.


Tell the student to start thinking about any topic they would like and think of a diagram. Tell them they will access the tactile library system through APH on their new device!


  1. Go to the Main Menu/Home: Yellow circle button (front edge) or Space with dots

  2. 1-2-3-4-5-6

  3. Enter: Dot 8

  4. Move the arrow keys down and choose APH Tactile Diagram Choice

  5. Choose topic

  6. Choose the diagram

  7. Enter: Dot 8

  8. Explore the document by:

  9. Zooming out: Minus (-) button

  10. Zooming in: Plus (+) button

  11. Pan around tactile graphic/ move cursor: Directional Arrows

  12. Pan up: Up Arrow button

  13. Pan down: Down Arrow button


Have the student feel (or look if they have enough vision) while detained descriptions are provided. Pull the diagram up.

Guided Practice-

Have the student tell you what needs to be done in detained descriptions as they touch the buttons. Pull the diagram up.

Independent Practice-

Ask the student to choose another diagram and pull it up.