Is Convergence Insufficiency a dirty word?

I don’t know about all of you but I am seeing this pop up more and more in regards to people requesting vision evaluation for IEP. I’m of the mind that if a kid is having trouble then an FVE needs to be done to see how that kid sees. I have legitimately seen kids who had an insufficiency that was so bad that at a certain point their eyes would just give up, or they would get really bad migraines, or they would pass out.

Can a kid get therapy for this? Sure. But it’s not covered by insurance and each visit is expensive. And in some cases it doesn’t matter if they are doing therapy or not for it because there is no improvement. When this happens I usually recommend to the IEP team that an eligibility (if we are looking for one) of OHI may be appropriate because it’s a medical condition. And regardless of eligibility, eligibility does not determine service so accommodation and modifications to allow for access that would be of a TVI per-view could be warranted and implemented.

Except, if the symptoms are so bad with no growth in sight would Braille be something to consider? Would it be fair to add it to a TVIs per-view the same as a cortical vision impairment is?

What is everyone else’s thoughts?