Follow Up Activity 1: Introductions

Hello all!
My name is Sadisha Clarke.
I am a TVI in the state of Georgia.
I work with K-12 students - low vision and blind students using braille.
The Monarch is fascinating as it will be game-changing, cutting the time to prepare tactile graphics for one and allowing students to receive so much more at once on one screen. The bulky braille books stored on shelves in classrooms will also decrease.

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Hi! I’m Andrea Wallace, a Statewide Educational Specialist for VI in Florida. I also work part time with transition age students teaching assistive technology and other skills needed for life after high school.
My excitement for the Monarch goes down two paths.
One for being able to support teachers in Florida as this device rolls out, and figure out how as an instructional materials center will be able to provide quality materials on the Monarch for students.
Two, I’m excited to use it with transition age students as this seems like it will be a great possibility for students going to college to have continued access to braille and tactile graphics.
I also am interested in learning about funding for the Monarch!
Excited to learn alongside you all,

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Yay! So glad you will be there Matthew! See ya soon!

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Hi! My name is Shelley Smith. I’m a Teacher of the Visually Impaired working in Ankeny, Iowa. Most of my students are multiply impaired and have CVI. For the Monarch, I will be focusing on two of my students who are academic braille users. My first student is a 6th grade student who is significantly visually impaired. She is very smart and is pretty independent. She is does well with technology and enjoys being creative. My other student is a 1st grade student who has light perception only. She is approximately 6 months-a year behind developmentally. She is quickly catching up skills. She recently been introduced to a braille notetaker and is loving exploring how to use it. The math curriculum for both girls is very visual and they are constantly having to navigate tactile graphics. I’m excited to see if we can upload the math tactile graphics to the Monarch. I’m also excited to learn about all the features on the Monarch.

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Hello Everyone,

My name is Daniela Gonzalez, I am a TVI located in Pinellas County, Florida. I primarily work with middle school students but have experience as a high school resource room teacher. I am very excited to learn everything about the Monarch and hopefully getting to see some tactile graphics on there!

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Hello, My name is Carol Wyatt. I am a Braille Transcriptionist in Columbia City, Indiana. I have worked with my VI student for over 10 years. I have sat in classes and retaught class lessons in braille. My student is now a Junior in High School and is on the National Honor Society.
I am soooo excited for the Monarch! I am anticipating the amount of knowledge my student can take in. I don’t know which I’m more excited about, the tactiles or reading more lines of braille!!

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Heather Livingstone
TVI, Raleigh, NC
I work primarily with high school students assigned to a VI regional program, and boy do they keep me busy! I am most excited to find out what a multi-line braille display has to offer!

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Hello I’m Gina Bailey, I am the Visual Impairment Specialist/TVI for Burke County Public Schools in Morganton, NC. I serve the whole county ages 3-22 years. I have reg eg students, self-contained students, and separate setting students. Most of my students have multiple disabilities. Many of my students have neurological visual impairment/CVI. I have two first grade braille learners: one in a reg ed setting and one in a special ed setting. I think this Monarch is gonna be a game changer for my young students!

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Amy Hildreth
I work in Georgia in the Athens area for Northeast Georgia RESA. We serve 13 surrounding counties providing Shared and Related services. I provide VI services to students in PK-12th grade. I am excited to learn how to provide secondary grades on demand tactile graphics in Math and Science courses.

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Hi my name is Stacey Holcomb. I am a TVI in Spring Hill Florida. Which is about an hour north of Tampa. I am the sole TVI in my county. I have 32 students. I am excited to learn everything about the Monarch!!!

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I’m Dan Glowicki. I am an itinerant TVI and OM instructor from Corvallis, Oregon. I work for Cascade Regional Inclusive Services part of Linn-Benton-Lincoln Education Services District. We serve VI students from birth to age 21. I’m looking forward to learning more about the monarch and putting it to use with students.

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Hi! I’m Erin Jolly. I am an itinerant TVI with the South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind’s Outreach Division. I serve the kiddos of Lancaster County, SC. I serve students of all age and ability ranges in the district. I have been in the beta testing for the Monarch and I’m so excited to see what else this amazing tool can do for our students!

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Hi all,
My name is Mike Fish and I am an assistive technology coordinator for instruction at Allied Instructional Services (AIS.) I work with students remotely in several states including Georgia and Virginia. I live in the Richmond Virginia area. I am excited to learn how to use the Monarch for math and to be able to have students use it to vertically set up math problems, create graphs and examine tactile graphics. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

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Hi! My name is Leslie Borton, and I am the Lead Teacher at the South Carolina School for the Blind. My role is similar to that of an assistant principal. We serve students in grades Pre-K through 12th grade/21 years of age. I am excited to learn ways the Monarch can help instructional practices in the classroom.


Megan Conway
Teacher for the Visually Impaired
Students in the northern part of the state
Some learning Braille, some working on computer access skills and building independence, Some working on pre-braille skills and strengthen identified CVI skills
I am excited to work with tactile viewer and the graphic calculator.

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Amanda Whelan
TVI/Vision AT
Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22
I work with students who use assistive technology from P/EI-21.
Excited to learn how the Monarch can enhance engagement in STEM activities.


Greetings, I am a TVI at the SC School for the Deaf and Blind. This is super exciting to learn and create a new path in braille and tactile graphic technology.
Susan Mitchell

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Jennifer Bliss–STEM Consultant for Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Hello all.

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I’m Katie and I am from Georgia. I work with visually impaired and blind at the elementary level. I am looking forward to see the Monarch and its use at an early age in education. I’m hoping that this device truly gives visually impaired students the same access to materials in a timely matter as their sighted peers. I can’t wait to embark on this flight!

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My name is Seth Leblond, and I am the assistive technology coordinator at the Foundation for Blind Children in Phoenix, Arizona. I teach technology to students of all ages and am particularly excited to work with our TVI’s and teachers outside of FBC to help students to achieve the kind of tactile literacy they need through the use of the Monarch Braille display.

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