Tips and Tricks for the TVI on the Road

What has worked best in terms of scheduling? When you need to travel an hour or more to one school. What strategies have been the least stressful for you?

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I typically schedule my students with the most services first. For example, I schedule my daily students and then squeeze weekly or monthly students by location around those daily students. Honestly, rural itinerant scheduling is one of my favorite parts of the jobs because it’s very much like Tetris.

Tetris! That is a great way to look at it. I would braille all my students out on note cards and shuffle them around until I had the right number of hours a day. This involved a lot of math though…. :blush:


I usually schedule the most time-demanding kids first then plug in the “left overs.” I also ALWAYS take other work to keep me busy in case of absences or unplanned missing kids…Having something to work on keeps the frustration at bay when I’m sitting and waiting for the next kiddo.

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