Teaching Screen Readers the Fun Way: General Discussion

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Course Description: Teaching screen readers like JAWS or NVDA does not have to be an excruciating experience. With some classic teaching methods, we can make this long journey a fun and meaningful one. In this course we will help you to break down a screen reader lesson into 5 easy components that will help you to get started teaching screen readers to your students. In this course, we will focus on JAWS, NVDA and ChromeVox.

ACVREP Credit Hours: 3


  • Identify the five major components of a screen reader lesson.
  • Describe resources available when developing screen reader lesson plans.
  • Differentiate between meaningful and meaningless Do Now activities.
  • Compare and contrast instructional and personalized objectives.

I am shure taht this will be very helpfull. Usually in my work I teach older consumers but , is very possible that this will be nice to them to have an approach that can be fun.


Excited to get some ideas. I am starting this a student now. Great timing to find this course.

I was looking at the resources and when I click the link on the word document it takes me to a game website.

Thank you for lettings us know. We will get that URL updated.

Thanks for making these resources…

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