Cohort Participant Introduction

@marissac It’s great to have you join us! Since you work with students that have hearing loss you’ll want to check out Unlocking the Foundations of Reading for Learners Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing | The Outreach Center for Deafness and Blindness
It’s the counterpart of this VI course.

@sdpruitt99 I’m really happy you could join this cohort! It’s great to see you here. :slight_smile:

@janet It’s a joy to connect with you here in the cohort! I’m so glad you joined.

@mforeman Welcome to the cohort! You have such an interesting background filled with expertise! I too am an Illinois State alum. Class of 1999.

@faye.thomas Wow! Your caseload is HUGE! You must face so many challenges, yet have an abundance of opportunities to learn a lot from your students.

@touchingwordsnola Bonita, I’m hopeful we will get to hear from you when we get to the section of content on Dyslexia. It’s a small amount of information, yet I’m sure it will ignite some good conversation.

@mzobel It’s a joy to see you here. I hope you will find the content in Module 2 helpful to serving some of your students.

@Julie.unatin You are a well seasoned teacher and I’m certain you’ll have insight to share with everyone in the cohort.

@dana.pearce I’m so excited you joined the cohort! Please be sure an share what you’ve learned from the LETRS program as it relates to content shared in this course. We want to learn from you!

Hi @jachala.gardner33 Welcome to the cohort! Did you graduate from the Illinois State University program in VI?

Hi Amy,

I am so looking forward to all aspects of this course. I know it will be most beneficial. I am excited to be a part of this!



Hi Amy,

Is this course designed to be taken in conjunction with the course you mentioned? Like, they address literacy in respect to Deafness as a single sensory loss and vision as a single sensory loss? Or do both courses also address CVHL?


Hello from North Dakota! My name is Lacey Long. I am a Research Associate for the North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities (NDCPD) at Minot State University and currently serve as the Project Director for the ND Dual Sensory Project (the state’s deafblind project). I hold a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, a master’s degree in Special Education, and a doctoral degree in Educational Practice and Leadership, all from the University of North Dakota.

I am certified as a teacher of students with visual impairments, a teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing, an orientation and mobility specialist, and an assistive technology instructional specialist. I live and work in Bismarck, ND, with my husband, Jackson, and two sons, Reuben and Louis. I provide technical assistance for students ages 0-21 on the deafblind child count across the state. I also provide contracted services to students in ND, SD, MN, and MT. I am excited to apply any new knowledge from this cohort to systems change in my state.

Hi Lacey!

I’d love to connect more with you on the structures and systems that you utilize for outreach in strengthening your state’s DB project :slight_smile:


Yes, I did as an undergraduate.

I am always learning and love to share so this is the perfect way for me to do both. I am ost excited to learn from all of the other talented people in this Cohort.

Hello! What county are you in? I am also in Florida in Hillsborough County. It is always nice to see teachers from Florida on trainings.

Hello my name is Hallie Ziettlow, TVI/O&M. I have been teaching for 9 years, the last 6 years have been in Hillsborough County in a middle school resource room. Generally my students are either using Braille in their academic classes or are actively learning braille due to their visual impairments. I am excited to learn more about reading instruction for my students so my students and other students in the county can become stronger readers!

Hi, I am Smita Saxena. I work as teacher of students with Visual Impairments in Northern Virginia, Fairfax County Public Schools. I currently serve students with varied needs ranging from low vision, braille reader and multiple disabilities. I am excited about learning about the reading process and what additional support can I provide my students to strengthen their reading skills.

Hi All,

My name is Jonathan Graves, I’m a TVI in Pittsburgh, PA, and support students with CVI through the Pediatric VIEW program at The Children’s Home of Pittsburgh. .

I provide a lot of consultative support to educational teams, and literacy access for students with CVI is a common topic of discussion. I’m excited to learn more about this. I also have a strong interest in assistive technology and CVI.

Looking forward to the discussions!